Star Wars The Old Republic – Initial Thoughts

Star Wars The Old Republic is a new MMORPG that has started this week, with early access to those of us that ordered and registered back in July.  I’ve been playing it for around a week now, so I thought I’d get down some of my thoughts on the game.

You may recall the last MMO I played was Rift, which I blogged about a couple of times earlier in the year.  I still have very fond memories of Rift, if things had gone a little different could very well still be playing it and in many ways it will be the yard stick by which I measure other MMO’s.

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Rift – A new MMORPG

I don’t play many computer games these days, it’s either I’m growing up or my obsession with gadgets is taking over…  I think the latter is more likely.  The games I do tend to still enjoy are those that let me develop and build the skills of a character or play to gain achievements of some kind.  MMORPG’s (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) fit the bill here, but it’s often hard to find a good one.

Continue reading Rift – A new MMORPG