A Severe Weather Week

Well, it started on Sunday night during the Superbowl and by Monday morning it had apparently brought most of London to a halt… No buses would run and many tube lines only just got a limited service running by around 10am.

Luckily I wasn’t due in work until 2:30pm, so I had no problems riding the tube in and back afterwards.  By Tuesday morning a lot of things had got back to normal.  I carefully rode my bike in to work, buses were back and the tubes were running.

Thursday night saw more snow fall, but mainly in the midlands and only a small covering in Finchley.  They say this week has still been the worse (best?) for snow in the past 18 years though!


Friday was so warm, I rode to work in my Summer gear. Yesterday morning it was a lovely bright day. In the evening it started to get colder and looked a bit muggy. I got woken up this morning to look at a snow covered back garden! In April! Just as I was thinking summer was on it’s way…

Then me and Robert set off for training, but didn’t get very far. A minute into the North Circular and we hit stationary traffic. We hardly moved for half an hour, so left at the approaching exit and made our way home again. TomTom said the Circular was closed at Neasdon and the FA Cup Semi Final at Wembley wont have helped.

Instead we headed to the gym, for a work out, then home for dinner and some relaxing before back to the grindstone tomorrow.