Taking The Mustang on Track

XSP_0270I’ve been on several track days (nine it would appear.  Wow, didn’t realise it was that many) on a motorbike, but never in a car.  I’d often thought, having come off the bike on my first track day at Brands Hatch, that I would have more confidence in a car and be able to push it further.

Me and some friends at work had been discussing a possible trip to the Nurburgring at some point in 2016, but had decided we should do a regular track day first, to see what driving on track is really like.  Around Christmas time track days for 2016 started populating on various websites.  We’d done a little research and had been recommended Javelin as a company to use.

Continue reading Taking The Mustang on Track

Donington Park Track Day

I hadn’t really thought a lot about this track day.  I wasn’t counting down the days, things where too busy I guess.  I had of course prepared.  The hotel 10 minutes from the track was booked, I’d moved my shift forward to finish work at 7pm, but that was about it.

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On Sunday, with the help of Robert, I loaded the bike onto the trailer.  Monday morning I packed the car.  As I arrived home, I should have been ready to set off up to Nottingham… Continue reading Donington Park Track Day

My New Hobby

DSC_6781.JPGYou may have noticed, most of my updates this year are bike related.  Well I’m moving it to the next level.  Ever since I was told I couldn’t play American Football any more, I’ve been looking for a new hobby.  In looking for something less strenuous, I’d considered golf. Instead, I’ve landed on something perhaps even more dangerous than American Football, motorbike racing! Continue reading My New Hobby

My First Track Day – Brands Hatch

Over the past couple of months I’d attended two track days as a spectator.  A friend was at Snetterton (where I managed to almost loose my DSLR camera) and then in nicer weather at Rockingham Race Track.  Even though I wasn’t going onto the track, I really enjoyed hanging out in the pits, taking photo’s and generally soaking in the atmosphere.

So on Thursday last week I was due to attend my first track day, an evening session at Brands Hatch organised through LondonBikers.com. Continue reading My First Track Day – Brands Hatch