Work AGM

Thursday night was our Waitrose AGM, once again at The Oval.  It starts of with a presentation about how we’ve done this year and what we’ll be doing in the future before heading upstairs for a meal of rather small proportions.  It was some kind of meat hanging on the end of the bone followed by a strange Creme Brule with seeds and green bits in!?!

Once the excuse for a meal was done with, the music started and the drinking began!  Feeling rather tired myself, it was a dissappointment that they didn’t have RedBull to go with my Vodka, so I had it straight instead.  After 4 or 5 doubles I definitly started to feel them.

Unlike me though, some people didn’t know when they should slow down…  Some of the stories going round on Friday.  Bottle’s of Vodka being downed, minesweeping tables at the end of the AGM, vomit on tube station platforms, phoneboxes as toilets, thrown out of clubs, not allowed into others, collapsing on floors…  it was a good night!

Bonus Party

2008 saw the John Lewis Partnership achieve another great set of figures leading to all of us being given a bonus of 20% of our years earnings in one lump sum. That’s over 2 months pay paid in our March pay slip, woo hoo! Unfortunately, most of mine is gone, half into bonus save (again) for the future and the other half paying of my credit card…

Anyway, such a great bonus called for celebrations, so off to the Gunmakers pub we went!

A pretty good turn out for a Sunday with 20 -30 people bearing the cold conditions in the name of consuming much alcohol. It wasn’t long before someone called for the Tequila and Vodka shots (who on earth was that…) and things started to get a little messy.

Still, it was a fun evening, with minimal casualties I believe… here’s to 22% next year!