The Olympic Park & Water Polo

I have to admit, when the first information started coming out about applying for tickets for the Olympics, I really wasn’t too bothered.  As Olympic lanes started cropping up in town and Londoners are told to try and stay away if they can, I was probably with others in finding the Olympics a bit of an annoyance.

I have to be honest, this changed as the Olympics started.  I was enjoying watching the different events on the TV, it helped that Team GB had a successful start to the games, winning quite a few golds in the opening few days.  Me and Robert then spent 4 or 5 days monitoring the ticketing website, trying to grab a ticket to anything within the Olympic Park.

Continue reading The Olympic Park & Water Polo

Olympic Torch in Finchley

I can’t say I’m all that excited by the games coming to London.  I’m not attending any of the events, anything I see will be on the TV so it could just as easily be somewhere else in Europe and it would make no difference to me.

There is one thing I’ve been able to ‘participate’ in, and that’s to get a look at the torch as it passes by.  The torch has made its way round Britain, they say passing within 10 miles of 95% of the population, so with it passing within 300 metres of me, I figured I should make the effort and go see it. Continue reading Olympic Torch in Finchley